Archive | November, 2009

1/2 way there…OHHHH…living on a prayer!

30 Nov

Who doesn’t love a little Bon Jovi to celebrate our 6 month anniversary?!  We are at the half way mark to the first year and although I was never big into celebrating every single month of our relationship I feel this one is a little different. Feels a little bit more special to be at our 6 month mark in marriage and with all the celebration of holidays this month it brings out the party hat jump up for joy emotions out in me.   It has been a great day to reflect on the first half of our first year of marriage and a great time to reflect on what an entire year will do to someone’s life.  truly amazing.  Last year this time I was getting over the shock of our venue going bankrupt and having to move our entire wedding to another site.  I was probably googling the hundreds of hotels in the area begging them to let me have our guests only stay for 1 night rather than 2 nights.  ohhhh what a difference a year makes. 

as one of my wedding anniversary date twin friend stated today…”if we were celebrities, most of us would be divorced already. we win.”  I threw up my arms and did a big old belly laugh with this statement. Although it may only be 6 months I truly feel I have won; the blissfully happy and in love jackpot.  We focus so much on the negative {especially in New England} that we shouldn’t need a reason to celebrate the good, the amazing and the day to day love we have for each other.  This little post captures the feelings of being a newlywed and the emotions I felt on the day of my wedding and the months after the big and special day.  I will look back on this post…6 months, 6 years, and even 60 years from now and remember the emotions of newness, fresh start, and the shear joy in my heart .   

In honor of the 6 month mark of our wedding I am going to share my top 6 moments of my wedding day and the top 6 things I have learned being married and having the wifey title.

#6: The moment I realized I AM GETTING MARRIED! I was so beyond excited and with my hair done, my makeup in place and my dress on I was so estatic I have this look below on my face in all the getting ready pictures.   It was amazing how much energy was in the room and my girls were great in getting me pumped for the big reveal-just look at their faces!

#5: Taking a couple minutes for ourselves during the reception.  It was perfect with the sun setting and being able to take in all that was happening around us.  Everyone says to take a moment to soak it all in and for us this was our moment.  Yes there were nats flying around our heads but we just laughed and kissed some more and didn’t have a care in the world.

#4: Walking down the isle with my step-dad. Hearing the music swell and seeing everyone outside the french door waiting for me to walk through them. I felt years in the making to walk through those doors and I was desperately trying to keep it together. My step-dad was trying to tell me jokes before we went through the gate and the other half of him was trying to keep it together for himself!  This is my {please please don’t start balling in front of all these people} face I had on in this picture.  One fo my favorite blogs Tying the Knot talked about when her veil was being blown and how she thought her dad who passed away a few months earlier was with her.  I thought if my veil starts to blow I will think of my grandmother who passed away would be with me.  It was only fitting that it started to blow as I was walking down the aisle ready to become a wife. Thank you grandma for making my special day.  

#3: The speeches.  We had one from the best man, and I had a speech from my best friend in the whole wide world and my lovely and sweetest younger sister.  They were all so very moving and they spoke to the love that my husband and I share and talked about how much I meant to them individually.  They were so moving it brought me to tears and crazy laughing fits.  I am so thankful that not only do I have the speeches captured with photos, but we have them captured on film as well.  I have heard them 3 times and each time they move me beyond words. 


#2: The moment that I saw my husband for the first time.  I could hardly contain the emotions walking up to him and seeing his back.  After the 15 months of keeping back my dream dress it was finally time to show it to him! When I embraced him I felt all the love we shared for each other and it calmed me for the rest of the day.  It was a beautiful day and a beautiful moment between us both.  

#1: WE ARE MARRIED! Having our first kiss as husband and wife was truly magical and everyone around us just disappeared completely.  It was a moment I will always remember and I was beaming from ear to ear! There are really no words to explain this moment because I almost felt delirious and outside of my body.  My mind was blank and rushing with thoughts all at the same time.

**Bonus Moment: I couldn’t fit them all into just 6 moments so my bonus moment is for the dances that I shared with my new husband, my mother and sister, my bridesmaids, my grandfather and my step-dad.  Each of these dances meant something different and it honored our relationship in a tangible and special way.  Music is such an important part of my life and you can always catch me humming a tune or dancing to some beat that is going on in my head.  I normally hear “gosh you know every.single.word. to. every. single. song.” and it is pretty much true! HAHA! These dances were a way for me to express my gratitude, love, friendship, and thankfullness to have these individual’s in my life {past, present, and future}. 


Top 6 things I have learned being married {for the short short time that I have been a wifey}

#6: Being married isn’t all that different…just more concrete , official and secure. 

#5: When I am having a bad {or just plain ole’ busy} day, week or even month there is someone on the other side of the door wanting to kiss it all away. 

#4: Sharing the same vision for the future life we want to build and not having to wonder if this future life will include my husband or some other random man.  It is great not hearing the phrase my husband use to say all the time “…wont your husband be mad we are…” It is a done deal baby!

#3. To be able to have someone by your side and getting your stupid {not so funny} jokes.  And of course still laughing.

#2 If you fail there is someone there to pick you up unconditionally and forever.  To see yourself through someone else’s eyes who does not see your failures but your successes and triumphs is breathtaking.

1:  To know who the father of my kids will be and know that with the support and love of each other one day we will be wonderful parents to stellar brillant kids {nothing less of course!} 


So this blog post is dedicated to my amazing, handsome, patient, funny, genuine, caring, giving, loving, ever-changing. pankcake making husband of mine. I almost love you enough to root for the Patriots on our 6 month anniversary…almost.  ❤


27 Nov

All you Glee fans please prepare yourselves for this bit of news. Are you sitting?

No, really are you sitting?

Glee will be on hiatus from December 9th until April 13, 2010

Yup you heard me correctly, April 13, 2010


And the worst part of the news is that it is for….AMERICAN IDOL

Really Fox?? Really??

Big mistake. HUGE. I must go shopping now

{hehe pretty woman reference}




Success Story!

26 Nov

I made 5 pounds of  delicious whipped homemade mashed potatoes.  From scratch.  By myself.  For a large quantity of people. 


I am one step closer to feeling confident that one day I will be  able to cook a Thanksgiving meal from start to finish.  That is not only edible but delicious as well.

Next I would like to conquer my gram’s homemade stuffing. 

Until then I will graciously and thankfully eat my mother in law’s feast of a meal on Thanksgiving this year and look longingly at the display of food that I still cannot make. 



Happy 1 Month Birthday!

25 Nov

Our entire family has been waiting for this little peanut to be born!! It is Steve’s cousin who had this precious little baby boy–and we are thrilled!  The last I saw him he was inside his mom’s belly waiting to come out into the world back in May.  We were calling the baby Thor for months and at one point the name actually grew on me and wonderered since they were having a boy if the name would actually be Thor.  but alas that is not the name of this adorable baby. shucks! Meet baby boy Koen…aka Thor 🙂  His birthday is actually our dating anniversary which makes it just that much easier to remember his birthday.  I can’t wait to get my hands on this little munchkin and for your 1 month birthday Koen I hope you are giving mommy some sleep and much needed rest.  Now that we have a wedding anniversary to celebrate our dating anniversary isn’t a crazy big deal anymore so now it is wonderful to have something new to celebrate on that special day. 

Happy Birthday and many more…



25 Nov

spending the holiday with my husband and family

having laughter, kids, and of course football fill the house

having an abundance of delicious turkey, side dishes, and desserts

i am blessed.



LOL :)

24 Nov


this is literally me in a nutshell.  I do this a ton whether it is in an email, IM, text, facebook, and probably even when I am speaking.  When I saw this I just had to share with you because this sums me up in one very long word.hahahahaha. {see it is just so adicting!}  I am a creature of habit. I say definately and like way too much.  I laugh at everything I see. I laugh wayyy to hard.  I can never hide an emotion because it is right there on my face. I can get moody when I don’t get my way or I find out that I am not right.   And the older I get the more I realize people may see these as flaws but it makes me who I am–and I think I am pretty great {and special}. And in the end all you can do is just laugh it off…HAHAHAHA!   

Happy Day!!


100 words of thanks…

23 Nov

In a 100 words saying what I am most thankful for this past year could be a challenge since I am so thankful for so many things. Since this list could go on for miles giving myself a limit and playing along with the 100 word game is pretty ideal.   

I am most thankful for…my husband. Unconditional love.  Jobs that challenge and motivate us. Healthy family. Facebook. Having insurance and the realization of the need for everyone to have this right.  Texting. Joe Greene surviving and thriving.  My dreams and hopes. Setting goals. UCONN. Wine. Travel. My blog. Dinners with my sister. True Friends. Tivo.  The new relationship with my niece.  Books. My grandma’s recipies. Traditions. Charity. The speeches given at my wedding. Plentiful of heat, food, shelter and laughter. California. A supportive mommacita. Strong women in my family.  Motivation. Photographs. Surprises. The tribe. Coffee. Cards. A real best friend.   

It is a great feeling to have a difficult  time getting all of my thankfulness out in only 100 words.  It makes me realize just how thankful I am and how blessed I am for the life I am living.  I am one to always be thinking about the future and my future wants and needs.  It is great to be thinking of all of the things that I have rather than all of the things that I don’t have.  Sometimes I can forget that it isn’t about the food and more about the togetherness of family and friends.  I wish I could get everyone I love at one table for thanksgiving and raise a glass and cheer for friends and family!! 

and because a post is WAY better with a picture…

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!


Last Wedding of the Year…

20 Nov

We have our last wedding of this year tonight and although our pockets will be thanking us we are sad that we will not have another wedding to reminisce about our own wedding, enjoy the company of friends and family, and of course get our groove on {well mostly me, but still!}.  At the moment it is dreary and raining but our weather man has given us hope that it will clear up by the afternoon and give the bride and groom a lovely {rain free} wedding. 

I heart wedding so much and now that I have been married I always am thinking about the bride and what she is thinking/feeling as the day progresses.  When you are a guest you may think of it as a great night out, reunion of sorts, or a place to get free food and booze.  For the bride and groom though it has been months or maybe years waiting for this one day to arrive.  The weeks leading up to the wedding are held with such anticipation/excitement/nervousness/last minute details/joy and the last 48 hours prior to getting married are filled with moments with close friends and family.  It is a once in a lifetime {hopefully} experience and when you wake up and realize it is your wedding day…there is no feeling like it. 

So when I woke up and poured myself a cup of coffee this morning to head to work my thoughts were on the bride and wondering if she has woken yet, wonder if she has started getting ready with her girls yet, I wonder if it has hit her yet that she will be a married woman by the end of the day. 

She is such an awesome and laid back person and all of her co-workers have joked about doing crazy antics during her ceremony/reception {none we would EVER do–right guys?!?!}.  One thing that she would have LOVED to happen because she is just that awesome is the youtube video wedding dance everyone has seen….

if you have not seen the video t it is a MUST SEE!!

happy wedding day to all the brides & grooms out there today….


Spice it UP!

19 Nov

Since I have a little latina in me I always like my food and life..SPICY!! It might make my eyes water but bring it on! Nope this post is NOT about food…go figure!

 When we were living in a small town for 3 years we had so many wishes to spice up our lives…we wish we had more resturants…we wish we were closer to stores…we wish we were near a city…we wish we were closer to a borders/barnes and noble so we can sip coffee and read…we wish we were had more to do..{well you get the picture}

Well for the first 3 months living in a brand new city our weekends have been fabulous and we have soaked up opportunies to enjoy being around way more of everything and not always have to travel to friends and family to get the excitement! . for our weekdays they were still the same old even though we were surrounded by so much.  we were bland bland bland…

we would wake up, get ready, take something out for dinner, go to work, come home, eat, clean up, watch our must see tv of the day, catch up on email, go to bed

{rinse and repeat cycle}

I was totally bummed and wanted to do something MORE even though it is during the week and we need to conserve our energy for the weekend.  BUT the past two weeks we have been spicing up our lives!!! YAY!!!! slowly but surely…

for one we started going to the gym and getting moving!! We both have specific goals for the gym and we have kept each other accountable and just the other day my lovely husband stated that going to the gym less like a chore and more of something to do together.  I would have to agree! So if you have a partner get up and moving it is a great way to bring a little spice to your life. 

We also have been cooking more together and helping each other out which has been wonderful because it takes some of the burden off me, my husband gets to learn to cook more than mac’ n cheese, and we can have a little fun with it.  I can even bust out my awesome bridal shower apron to show off my cooking skills!! Cooking together is a great way to get a “chore” done a bit more on the spicy end 🙂

Another great way to change up the scenery of a work week is to do a bit of happy hour!! We have gone out with some co-workers for happy hour or dinner in the past couple weeks.  I love this time to relax, get out of the house, and really have some great laughs.  I am hoping to do a little happy hour’ing with my husband in the near future again.  Being spontaneous is half the battle!  Our favorite place is Boston Beerworks!  It is walking distance, has a great patio and amazing beer.  What more can you really ask for??

Another recent thing we did was–GAME NIGHT!!! Seriously why we don’t do this more often is beyond me??!! We love hanging out with others, we love games, and we love the company! We just recently had a game night where we played POP 5 and left, right, center and had a blast with these two games.  Watched a little Biggest Loser in the background and had an amazing time.  My husband and I left thinking this really needs to happen more because it energized us for the rest of week and gave us something fun to look  forward to that wasn’t on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday. 

Some items I would like to add is a hockey game right down the road from us this winter, a play/musical that is on campus, get a little volleyball action happen with the co-workers & Co.,  and utilize the $5.00 movie on a Tuesday night with the husband. 

These items have really helped us enjoy our week days a little more and not always so antsy to get to the weekend.  We really are trying to enjoy our time together and not always wish for the weekends to get here.  We of course love our weekends and we always are on board to watch our television shows but there is no reason we can’t SPICE IT UP once in awhile to keep the fun flowing! I am thankful that we are now in an environment where these items can happen because commutes are less nowadays, errands take less time because we are closer to stores, and more entertainment options are around.  It is fabulous!!

So if you think that your weekdays need a little spice I hope you can find something to add as a motivator during the week create some fun and excitement during a weekday.  Most of all try to be spontaneous, make plans before you go and sit on that couch, and keep an open mind when trying new things!

Happy Living!!

Taking Risks 101

16 Nov

So I am not one to take HUGE risks in the fashion department.  And if we are being completely honest about 3/4 of my wardrobe comes from my dear friend Sara.  I basically have stolen her fashion identity {thank you Sara for your undying help in the fashion department}.  Sara has amazing taste in clothes and almost everything she sends my way I completely and totally embrace.  I love the cute jackets she has given me and some of the amazing shirts and sweaters that have become staples in my wardrobe.  The day before she was getting married she even said, “I am so sorry that I didn’t have time to go through my wardrobe for you…” Seriously?? I am hear from your wedding NOT your clothes!! HAHA!  It isn’t that I don’t love to shop {because I totally do!} I just don’t exactly have the eye for fashion and what would make an amazing addition to my wardrobe.  I end up staring at the piece and in the end putting it back on the hanger, shelf, etc.   

I digress. So back to taking risks.

If any store is for taking risks it is Forever 21. Well I was in Forever 21 this weekend and I saw a girl at the counter in front of me with these awesome shoes and as she was getting paying for these shoes I kept thinking of what I could wear this amazing shoes with and actually where I would wear them {without being stared at}.  They are a little bit rock n’ roll and a whole lot of fun!! I wonder if I could really pull off a statement shoe like this since most of my shoes are pretty subtle and not even remotely edgy. 



At the moment they are in the “my bag” section of the online store until I get the courage to take a risk with fashion and like on the edge a bit…

Happy Shopping!
